Deploy a java-tron Node

java-tron nodes support to be deployed on Linux or MacOS operating systems, and rely on Oracle JDK 1.8, other versions of JDK are not supported.

The minimum hardware configuration required to run a java-tron node is 8-core CPU, 16G memory, 2T SDD, the recommended configuration is: 16-core CPU, 32G memory, 2.5T+ SDD. The fullnode running by super representative to produce block recommends 32-core CPU and 64G memory.

Compile the Source Code

First, clone the java-tron repository to the local with the following git command, and switch to the master branch. Before executing the command, make sure you have installed the git tool.

$ git clone
$ git checkout -t origin/master

Then, compile the java-tron source code by executing the following command. The parameter -x test means to skip the execution of the test case. You can also remove this parameter to execute the test code during the compilation process, which will make the compilation time longer. After the compilation is complete, FullNode.jar will be generated in the java-tron/build/libs/ directory.

$ cd java-tron
$ ./gradlew clean build -x test

Run a java-tron Node

You can choose different configuration files to connect java-tron nodes to different networks. The mainnet configuration file is: main_net_config.conf, other network configuration files can be found here.

Startup a fullnode

Fullnode has full historical data, it is the entry point into the TRON network , it provides HTTP API and gRPC API for external query. You can interact with the TRON network through fullnode:transfer assets, deploy contracts, interact with contracts and so on. The mainnet fullnode startup command is as follows, and the configuration file of the fullnode is specified by the -c parameter:

$  java -Xmx24g -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -jar FullNode.jar -c main_net_config.conf
  • -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC :Specifies parallel garbage collection. To be placed before the -jar parameter, not at the end.
  • -Xmx :The maximum value of the JVM heap, which can be set to 80% of the physical memory.

Startup a fullnode that produces blocks

Adding the --witness parameter to the startup command, fullnode will run as a node which produces blocks. In addition to supporting all the functions of fullnode, the block-producing fullnode also supports block production and transaction packaging. Please make sure you have a super representative account and get the votes of others. If the votes ranks in the top 27, you need to start a full node that produces blocks to participate in block production.

Fill in the private key of the super representative address into the localwitness list in the main_net_config.conf, below is an example. But if you don't want to use this way of specifying the private key in plain text, you can use the keystore + password method, please refer to Others chapter.

localwitness = [

then run the following command to start the node:

$ java -Xmx24g -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -jar FullNode.jar --witness -c main_net_config.conf

Note: For the mainnet and nile testnet, since the amount of data to be synchronized is large after the new node is started, it will take a long time to synchronize the data. You can use Data Snapshots to speed up node synchronization. First download the latest data snapshot and extract it to the output-directory directory of the TRON project, and then start the node, so that the node will synchronize on the basis of the data snapshot.


How to use keystore + password to specify the privatekey of witness account

  1. You should not use the nohup command because the interaction is required when running the node. It is recommended to use session keeping tools such as screen, tmux, etc.
  2. Comment the localwitness item in main_net_config.conf and uncomment the localwitnesskeystore item. Fill in the path of the Keystore file. Note that the Keystore file needs to be placed in the current directory where the startup command is executed or its subdirectory. If the current directory is "A", the directory of the Keystore file is "A/B/localwitnesskeystore.json", it needs to be configured as:
    localwitnesskeystore = [
    Note: For keystore + password generation, you can use the register wallet command of the wallet-cli.
  3. Startup the fullnode which produces blocks
        $ java -Xmx24g -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -jar FullNode.jar --witness -c main_net_config.conf
  4. Enter the password correctly to finish the node startup.

Optimize Memory Allocation with tcmalloc

Memory allocation of java-tron can be optimized with tcmalloc. The method is as follows:

First install tcmalloc, then add the following two lines to the startup script, the path of tcmalloc is slightly different for different Linux distributions.


export LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/"

# original start command
java -jar .....

Instructions for each Linux distributions are as belows:

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS / Ubuntu 18.04 LTS / Debian stable Install

    $ sudo apt install libgoogle-perftools4

    In the startup script add the following:

    export LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Same install command as above. In the startup script add the following:

    export LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/"
  • CentOS 7 Install

    $ sudo yum install gperftools-libs
    In the startup script add the following:
    export LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib64/"