KeyPair Management
TRON's signature algorithm is ECDSA, and the selected curve is SECP256K1.
From version 0.1.3, trident-java has implemented a wrapper class for SECP256K1.KeyPair in Core to facilitate the generation of private keys and the conversion of private keys to addresses. This classpath is: org.tron.trident.core.key.KeyPair
Generate KeyPair
Import KeyPair with Private Key
Get Private & Public Key
The public key does not equal to address.
Get Address
keyPair.toBase58CheckAddress(); // Get Base58Check address
keyPair.toHexAddress(); // Get Hex address
Public Key to Address
Use a specific public key to convert to byte[], Base58Check or Hex address:
// The parent function, returns byte[]
KeyPair.publicKeyToAddress(SECP256K1.PublicKey pubKey);
KeyPair.publicKeyToBase58CheckAddress(SECP256K1.PublicKey pubKey);
KeyPair.publicKeyToHexAddress(SECP256K1.PublicKey pubKey);
Sign Transaction
// This function returns the signature message in byte[]
KeyPair.signTransaction(byte[] txid, KeyPair keyPair);
Private Key Security
Private key is the only credential to access and control your assets. Never share it with others and always keep a secure backup.