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🚀 Getting Started with Trident

This guide will walk you through the basic operations using the Trident SDK.

Initialize Client

The ApiWrapper in package client is the entrance of the wrapped APIs and smart contract functions. Before using functions in ApiWrapper, you should bind your private key to an ApiWrapper instance:

import org.tron.trident.core.ApiWrapper;

public class QuickStart {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Connect to Nile testnet with tronGrid endpoint
        ApiWrapper client = ApiWrapper.ofNile("your_private_key");

        // Or connect to Shasta testnet with tronGrid endpoint
        // ApiWrapper client = ApiWrapper.ofShasta("your_private_key");

        // Or connect to mainnet with tronGrid endpoint (requires TronGrid API key)
        // ApiWrapper client = ApiWrapper.ofMainnet("your_private_key", "your_api_key");

        // Initialize with custom RPC endpoints
        // ApiWrapper client = new ApiWrapper(
        //     "",     // Full node gRPC endpoint
        //     "",     // Solidity node gRPC endpoint
        //     "your_private_key"
        // );


For testing purposes, we recommend using the Nile testnet. You can get test tokens from the Nile Faucet.

Basic Operations

Get Account Balance

long balance = client.getAccountBalance("your_address"); // balance in SUN (1 TRX = 1,000,000 SUN)
System.out.println("Balance: " + balance / 1_000_000.0 + " TRX");

Send TRX

import org.tron.trident.proto.Response.TransactionExtention;
import org.tron.trident.proto.Chain.Transaction;

// Transfer 100 TRX
long amount = 100_000_000L; // Amount in SUN
TransactionExtention txn = client.transfer("from_address", "to_address", amount);

// Sign and broadcast
Transaction signedTxn = client.signTransaction(txn);
String txid = client.broadcastTransaction(signedTxn);
System.out.println("Transaction sent: " + txid);

Transfer TRC20 Token

import org.tron.trident.abi.FunctionEncoder;
import org.tron.trident.abi.TypeReference;
import org.tron.trident.abi.datatypes.Function;
import org.tron.trident.abi.datatypes.generated.Uint256;
import java.math.BigInteger;

// Contract address of the TRC20 token
String contractAddress = "TXYZopYRdj2D9XRtbG411XZZ3kM5VkAeBf"; // USDT contract on Nile testnet

// Create transfer function
Function transfer = new Function(
        new Address("recipient_address"),
        new Uint256(BigInteger.valueOf(100_000_000L)) // Amount with decimals (e.g., 100 USDT)
    Arrays.asList(new TypeReference<Bool>() {})

// Encode function call
String encodedHex = FunctionEncoder.encode(transfer);

// Trigger contract
TransactionExtention transactionExtention = client.triggerContract(
        fromAddr,        // Sender Address
        contractAddress, // Contract Address
        encodedHex,      // Encoded function call
        0,              // call value
        0,              // token value
        null,           // token id
        150_000_000L    // fee Limit

// Sign and broadcast
Transaction signedTxn = client.signTransaction(transactionExtention);
String txid = client.broadcastTransaction(signedTxn);
System.out.println("Token transfer sent: " + txid);

Important Considerations

When working with TRC20 tokens:

  1. Token Decimals

    • Check the token's decimal places (e.g., USDT uses 6 decimals)
    • Adjust the amount accordingly (e.g., 1 USDT = 1_000_000)
  2. Transaction Settings

    • Set an appropriate fee limit for contract calls
    • Handle contract revert errors in production code

Query Transaction

import org.tron.trident.proto.Response.TransactionInfo;

// Get transaction info by ID
TransactionInfo txInfo = client.getTransactionInfoById(txid);
System.out.println("Transaction status: " + txInfo.getResult());

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